The Castillo Fire Pillar offers a simple and elegant design which serves as a beautiful addition to your outdoor space. The Castillo Fire Pillar is handcrafted from glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC) for strength and durability with a black finish.
Items Included: Fire Pit, LC Certified Match Lit Kit or LC Certified Electronic Ignition System; Fire Pan/Plate, Burner, Nipple & Lava Rock.
Ash (-ASH) | Black (-BLK) | Brown (-BRN) | Chocolate (-CHC) |
Gray (-GRY) | Limestone (-LIM) | Vanilla (-VAN) |
Specification Sheets (Printable)
22″ | Castillo Concrete Fire Pillar | Specification Sheet
22″ | Castillo Concrete Fire Pillar | Installation Manual